Case Study
Development and Defense of Corporate and IT/IS/Cybersecurity Policies and Procedures for Toronto Law Firm clients.

Background: Navigating the complex digital landscape required our Toronto law firm clients to instate a comprehensive framework of corporate and IT/IS/Cybersecurity policies for the first time.  The endeavours, extended to include employee training and business continuity/disaster recovery tabletop testing, aimed at not only fortifying the defences but also enhancing their standing in imminent insurance and finance sector security reviews and building upon a collaborative approach with a managed IT service providers to bolster their backend technology infrastructure.

Challenge: The undertaking was challenging, venturing into the uncharted territory of crafting a cohesive set of policies from ground zero that would meet the rigorous demands of sector-specific reviews and ensure a resilient backend technology through collaboration with a managed IT service provider.  The objective was clear - to elevate our clients’ ratings compared to the previous year's results, facilitated through a holistic strategy involving comprehensive training and readiness tests and detailed evidence gathering in preparation for security reviews.

Findings: Initial assessments uncovered the vulnerabilities of our clients due to the absence of formal policies.  The scope was broad, necessitating policy development and strategic partnerships with several IT service providers to ensure the robust backend technology infrastructure that is a cornerstone for effectively implementing the devised policies.

Solution: We devised a strategy encompassing:

Policy Development: Structuring resilient policies guided by the expertise of managed IT service providers to ensure alignment with the latest technological advancements.

  • Policy Development: Structuring resilient policies guided by the expertise of managed IT service providers to ensure alignment with the latest technological advancements.
  • Collaborative Approach with IT Service Providers: Working hand in hand with managed IT service providers to build a robust backend technology foundation, enhancing the firm's security infrastructure.
  • Employee Training: Rolling out and supporting training programs to cultivate a deep understanding and adherence to the newly crafted information security and data privacy policies amongst employees.
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning: Developing detailed plans and executing tabletop testing to prepare clients for unforeseen contingencies, ensuring business resilience.

Implementation: The roadmap to implementation involved:

  • Policy Roll-Out: Unveiling the policies systematically, fortified by a robust backend technology infrastructure developed in collaboration with IT service providers.
  • Training Sessions: Engaging employees through detailed training sessions, enhancing their cybersecurity acumen and preparedness.  We also helped implement ways to measure training outcomes and knowledge retention.
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Tabletop Testing: Undertaking simulated exercises to test our clients’ readiness for potential disruptions.

Results: The frameworks were resilient and well-rounded and addressed potential vulnerabilities through state-of-the-art technological interventions and an informed workforce.  The reviews bore testimony to the robustness of the approach as we helped our clients successfully defend their policies and showcase a considerable advancement in their ratings compared to the previous year.

Outcome: The synergistic approach of collaborating with managed IT service providers with comprehensive policies, employee training, and business continuity/disaster readiness plans was reflected in the significant uplift in our clients’ ratings during the year-over-year reviews, validating the efficacy of the multi-faceted strategy.

Conclusion: Starting from the point of no formal policy foundation, our Toronto law firm clients successfully established a structure of security and resilience, evidenced by the improved ratings from their insurance and banking client security reviews.  Our work, characterized by collaboration with experienced IT service providers, not only fostered a culture of awareness and readiness among employees but significantly enhanced our clients' backend technology infrastructure.

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